Friday, August 9, 2013

With my friends

Hi ~ 

Last wednesday, I had a fantastic day. I went out with two of my friends Rocio and Adrián. They are reliable friends that I met in the university. Supposedly, we would come out with several friends but in the end it did not go as we thought and we ended up being a trio. You know if the things didn't go as you want, you have to save the best of the occasions.

At the beggining, We did not know what to do but the first thing that came to our minds was eating. We went to Pizza Hut, pizza is our obsession. Pizza lovers <3. All we ate was delicious, three different kinds of pizza: American, Hawaiian and Supreme. We also drank chicha and soda. 

Then, we went to play. Playing is one of the activities we like to perfom. We were at Plaza San Miguel so the place choosen was Coney Park. There were a lot of children maybe because it is the point for them lol. 

Guitar hero and the game of the monkey were the games choosen to waste our time until the movie started.

This is a photo of Adrian, he looks like avatar of the game LOOOOOL

To end the day, we stold a ballon from another place. I know we are baaad people lol. Then, we went to see a movie. Exactly, we went to see Turbo. It is a movie for children but I like to see movies with them because they made me laugh a lot. I try to see all the animated movies I can. 

A have a secret to tell you: I want them to be a couple. I don't know why they aren't together. Grrr, They make me angry ¬¬.

Adrian, my new friend and Rocio

That was our day together. Sometimes, we just need to forget what we usually do to. Why don't you tell me about the activities you do with your friends ? Byeeee ~ <3 

A clue of my outfit of the day

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